
Pre-programme on
Service-Learning in Flanders

19 September 2019
9h00 – 17h30

morning session: in Dutch
afternoon session: in English & Dutch

For Flemish and European (afternoon) teachers, students, professors, researchers, policy makers with a particular interest in and/or experience with community service-learning. 

European Conference

20 September 2019
9h00 – 17h30

in English
For European teachers, students, professors, researchers, policy makers with a particular interest in and/or experience with community service-learning.

European Conference and Meeting

21 September 2019
9h00 – 13h00

in English

For European teachers, students, professors, researchers, policy makers with a particular interest in and/or experience with community service-learning.

Pre-programme on Service-Learning in Flanders

19 September 2019

The morning session of this conference day concerns the local development of service-learning and will be held in Dutch. It will mainly focus on the introduction to service-learning pedagogy and sharing good practices.

The afternoon session will be held in both English and Dutch. Early arrivals of the European conference are thus welcome to join the conference, as we will kick off with international speaker Nieves Tapia. It gives the Flemish participants an opportunity to learn from their European counterparts (and vice-versa).

For both Flemish and European (only afternoon) teachers, students, professors, researchers, policy makers with a particular interest in and/or experience with community service-learning.


Registration and coffee


by Herman Van Goethem, rector University of Antwerp
by Stijn Latré, director UCSIA


Introduction service-learning (plenary lecture in Dutch)
Workshops: Presentations | Interactive workshops | Round-tables (in Dutch)

Introductie tot service-learning

Presentatie door Nicolas Standaert (KU Leuven)
Lokaal: C.204

Heb je al van service-learning gehoord, maar wil je de concrete invullingen en nuances leren kennen? Waarin verschilt het van een stage of vrijwilligerswerk, en wat houdt het allemaal in om zo’n vak te organiseren? In deze sessie worden de basisprincipes van service-learning toegelicht, de oorsprong van de pedagogie, de rol en de meerwaarde binnen hoger onderwijs, als ook enkele concrete tips om ermee aan de slag te gaan. Na de toelichting gaan we graag met jou in gesprek over je eigen dromen of plannen in verband met service-learning.

Opstarten van community service-learning

Presentatie door Hadewijch De Doncker en Steven Audenaert (Odisee)
Lokaal: A.205

Binnen de lerarenopleiding Lager Onderwijs (Odisee Brussel) en Secundair Onderwijs (Odisee Sint-Niklaas) krijgt CSL een plaats binnen het tweede en respectievelijk derde bachelorjaar. Studenten zijn actief binnen tal van organisaties waarbij ze vanuit een wederkerige behoefte een al dan niet onderwijsgerelateerde ‘service’ leveren. Tegelijkertijd bereikt men vanuit een sterke reflectie en inhoudelijke kadering tal van vormingsdoelen (verantwoordelijkheid, een open en kritische houding, …. ). Binnen dit onderdeel krijgt vooral de reflectiecomponent – en praktijkvoorbeelden een centrale plaats.

Implementatie van een breedgedragen CSL-werking: De nieuwe korfvakken

Presentatie door Gerlinde Verbist (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Lokaal: C.104

Vanaf academiejaar 2019-2020 zal de Universiteit Antwerpen een curriculair keuzevak Community Service Learning inrichten, gekoppeld aan een nieuwe reeks levensbeschouwelijke korfvakken. In deze workshop stellen we graag deze vorm van implementatie van CSL voor. Welke mogelijkheden en uitdagingen gaan gepaard met deze CSL-werking? Welke rol krijgt de docent, onderwijsbegeleider toebedeeld, hoe kunnen we hen ondersteunen? Omdat CSL binnen de Universiteit Antwerpen zich in een opstartfase bevindt, gaan we graag in debat met het publiek rond specifieke probleemstellingen en uitdagingen/mogelijkheden in de opstart van CSL binnen een onderwijsinstelling.

Samenwerken met partners, praktijkvoorbeelden uit onderwijs en office management

Presentatie door Lien Ooghe (Odisee) & Anse De Mil (Broeiklas vzw)
Lokaal: C.205

In het eindproject van de opleiding Office Management aan Odisee campus Aalst, werken studenten administratief-ondersteunende opdrachten uit voor socio-culturele verenigingen. Doel is dat studenten leren uit reële opdrachten en bijdragen aan de maatschappij; anderzijds zien organisaties hun werking ondersteund en helpen zij mee aan de professionalisering van jonge mensen. Zo bouwden studenten in het verleden websites uit, databases voor ledenbestanden, werkten zij mee aan jubileumfeesten van verenigingen, de promotie van een fietscargodienst, enz. In de sessie bespreken we hoe de samenwerking verliep en gaan we in op een aantal learnings die ons dat de voorbije jaren opleverde.  Ook binnen de lerarenopleiding Kleuteronderwijs op dezelfde campus leren studenten in het tweede jaar door community service learning. Ze gaan aan de slag in organisaties die werken met kwetsbare kinderen of jongeren. Eén van die organisaties is Broeiklas, zij bieden studieondersteuning aan lagereschoolkinderen in kwetsbare omstandigheden aan. Samen met twee medewerkers van Broeiklas vertellen we tijdens deze sessie hoe we de samenwerking tussen de hogeschool, organisatie en studenten hebben vormgegeven. Wie voorziet welke begeleiding? Hoe laten we de studenten groeien? Hoe evalueren we samen wat de studenten leerden? We focussen op de reeds gezette stappen maar ook op onze toekomstplannen.

Reflecteren en filosoferen in CSL: de weg naar inspirerend burgerschap

Workshop door Hanna Vandenbussche (Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen)
Lokaal: C.001

In deze workshop gaan we na hoe Community Service Learning burgerschapsvorming bij leerlingen kan stimuleren. In deze pedagogische werkvorm, waarin dienen, leren en reflecteren centraal staat, krijgen de leerlingen immers de kans om zich te vormen tot inspirerende burgers en verantwoordelijke burgers. Reflectie speelt hierbij een fundamentele rol: leerlingen leren om met een kritische en creatieve blik naar hun ervaring van dienstbaarheid (community service) te kijken en voelen zich op die manier verbonden met de maatschappij.

Maar hoe kan een leerkracht ervoor zorgen dat reflectie verder gaat dan een beschrijving van emoties of van het verloop van het traject? In deze workshop gaan we na hoe filosoferen het reflectieproces van de leerling binnen CSL kan versterken en verdiepen. Enerzijds bieden we voorbeelden van filosofische vragen en thema’s (vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid, ouderdom, identiteit, etc.)  die in verschillende lessen naar aanleiding van de sociale activiteit aan bod kunnen komen. Anderzijds stellen we enkele reflectie-instrumenten voor die op de werkvorm van filosoferen (zoals het socratisch klasgesprek) zijn gebaseerd.


Coffee break


Workshops: Presentations | Interactive workshops | Round-tables
(hosted by Flemish universities and colleges; in Dutch)

Een leergemeenschap als model voor institutionele inbedding van service-learning

Workshop door Bram Pynoo en Linde Moriau (VUB Univer.City)
Lokaal: A.202

In deze workshop gaan we dieper in op de werking van een leergemeenschap om CSL in een instelling te ondersteunen en stimuleren, op basis van de VUB-leergemeenschap. Na de belangrijkste bevindingen van de CSL-nulmeting bij het onderwijzend VUB-personeel zoomen we in op de bevindingen/ervaringen van de leden van de VUB-leergemeenschap. De deelnemers van de workshop bespreken vervolgens cases rond o.a. Service-Learning paradigma’s, ethische aspecten, impact en theoretische kaders.

Reflectie in service-learning: waarom, wie, wat, hoe, waar?

Workshop door Maaike Mottart (KU Leuven)
Lokaal: C.101

Kritische reflectie is de manier waarop studenten in een service-learning vak leren uit hun ervaring, en dit op academisch, persoonlijk en maatschappelijk vlak. Wat houdt dit nu concreet in, hoe gaat dat in zijn werk, wie is daarbij betrokken en hoe krijg je dit georganiseerd? In een interactieve workshop zoomen we in op deze vragen en gaan we zelf actief aan de slag met een aantal reflectievormen.

Good Practice: Verbindend leven en leren in de stad

Presentatie door Leene Leyssen (UCLL)
Lokaal: A.205

We stellen een keuze-opleidingsonderdeel van 12 SP voor uit de derde opleidingsfase waarin we met de methodiek van CSL aan de slag gaan. Parallel aan dit opleidingsonderdeel loopt een impulsonderzoek waarin we onderzoeken hoe we via CSL kunnen werken aan een brede, geëngageerde hogeschool. In deze good practice gaan we op beide onderdelen in en gaan erover in interactie met de deelnemers.

Studentenpanel Service-Learning

Panel door KU Leuven
Lokaal: C.102

Dit panel staat volledig in het teken van het studentenperspectief. Studenten van verschillende Vlaamse universiteiten vertellen over hun ervaringen met service-learning projecten en gaan in gesprek met elkaar en de workshopdeelnemers over het belang en de mogelijkheden van service-learning binnen het Vlaamse hoger onderwijs.

Service-learning aan de Faculteit Politieke en Sociale wetenschappen | Ongelijkheid en Sociale Uitsluiting

Lokaal: A.206

Service-learning aan de Faculteit Politieke en Sociale wetenschappen: peer-to-peer learning en maatschappelijke identiteit

Presentatie door Lesley Hustinx & Melissa Ceuterick (UGent)

In deze presentatie wordt de facultaire visie op CSL als onderdeel van de bredere beleidsdoelstelling rond maatschappelijke identiteit voorgesteld. Daarnaast wordt de context toegelicht waarin CSL reeds geïntegreerd werd binnen de verschillende werkcolleges aan de Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen van Universiteit Gent (meer bepaald ‘Werkcollege: actuele thema’s uit de politieke sociologie’, ‘Seminar on Social Demography and Health Sociology’ en ‘Community Service Learning: werkcollege politieke wetenschappen’).

Ongelijkheid en Sociale Uitsluiting: service learning trajectory: samenwerking tussen organisaties en kennisinstellingen

Presentatie door Bea Cantillon (Universiteit Antwerpen)

Docenten van het UA-departement sociologie geven inkijk in de ontwikkeling van het community service-learning vak ‘Grondige Studie van de sociologie en beleid van ongelijkheid’. In dit vak gingen deze docenten en hun studenten breder reflecteren over hoe de kansen op tewerkstelling van kwetsbaren in de arbeidsmarkt vergroot kunnen worden, binnen en buiten de sfeer van de sociale economie,  en stelden kritisch de bestaande structuren inzake subsidiering, doelgroepenbeleid in vraag. Vanuit sociologisch perspectief geven deze docenten hun visie weer op de samenwerking tussen organisaties en kennisinstellingen.

Community service-learning als bouwsteen voor katholieke dialoogschool

Presentatie door Tom Uytterhoeven (Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen)
Lokaal: C.001

In deze workshop wordt toegelicht welke kansen CSL biedt om katholieke dialoogschool te realiseren. De verbanden tussen het vormingsconcept van Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen en aspecten van CSL worden verkend in gesprek met de deelnemers.



Network lunch


International lecture by Prof. Nieves Tapia (in English)

The Babel Tower of University Engagement and Service-learning: a View from the South

50 years ago, projects integrating academic teaching and research with hands-on community engagement activities where baptized in the USA as “service-learning”. However, in many parts of the world practices articulating service and learning, research and social intervention, are more ancient that the formalization of the pedagogy in the second half of the XXth Century.

In fact, Latin America has developed service-learning practices and policies since the beginning of the 20th Century under different concepts and models. Asia and Africa have also long standing and diverse traditions around student service. As service-learning has become in the last years a global movement, theoretical discussion has become more complex. Words convey different meanings, histories, and cultural backgrounds in different parts of the world, and diverse theoretical roots and frameworks from different regions may enrich the global reflection… or let us “lost in translation”.

The lecture will briefly present service-learning complex global theoretical roots and methodological frameworks since the beginnings of the XXth Century. Latin American idea of “solidarity” and its relevance for quality service-learning practices will be analyzed from a global comparative perspective, based in CLAYSS experience in Africa, Asia and Europe. Theory will be illustrated with service-learning practices from Latin America and other regions.

Nieves Tapia is the Founder and Director of the Latin American Center for Service-Learning (CLAYSS – Buenos Aires, Argentina), a major provider of training, program development assistance, and research in Latin America and beyond, and a partner regional organization of the Talloires Network. From 1997 to 2009 she initiated and coordinated national service-learning programs for the Argentina Ministry of Education. In 2002 and 2003 she coordinated the Solidarity Program Schools for the city of Buenos Aires. A professor history with over 30 years of experience in tertiary and secondary education, she is the author of numerous books and articles about service learning in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian. A pioneering leader in higher education civic engagement (and in primary and secondary education as well), she has delivered speeches at higher education conferences in many countries including Ireland, Australia, Spain, South Africa, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and U.S. Prof. Tapia was a founding board member of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. She has participated in numerous national and international selection panels including the Presidential Award Solidarity Schools in Argentina and the Talloires Network’s MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship and Youth Economic Participation Initiative.


Coffee break


Workshops: Presentations | Interactive workshops | Round-tables

Research in/on Community Service-Learning (EN)

Workshop door Bram Pynoo (VUB Univer.City)
Lokaal: A.202

Engaged education is core in the mission of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). In this workshop we introduce participants to research in and on CSL that is being conducted in our university. The VUB Univer.City project supports and fosters CSL, including the set-up of a learning community involving university teaching staff. To study the impact of this project on staff, a baseline measure was conducted in December 2018. In a second phase, students were questioned on their vision on engagement. To end with, two research projects connected to VUB CSL courses of the learning community participants will be presented.

Service-learning: impact op student en maatschappij

Workshop door Sara Vantournhout (KU Leuven) en Janus Verrelst (USOS, Universiteit Antwerpen)
Lokaal: C.102

De sessie zal zich toespitsen op de vraag naar impact van service-learning projecten: Hoe kan service-learning een verschil maken voor studenten, en in de samenleving op korte, middel- en lange termijn? Kunnen we dat verschil ook meten en evalueren? En wat zijn de implicaties van deze impact voor een service-learning beleid?

What you test is what you get!

Presentatie door Tine Van den Broeck, Lien Ooghe en Steven Audenaert (Odisee)
Lokaal: C.205

Als we studenten willen opleiden tot zelfregulerende, kritische en sociaal-geëngageerde werkkrachten, moeten we deze attitudes volgens bovenstaand principe ook evalueren. Een tijdsgeest die meetbaarheid en transparantie hoog in het vaandel draagt, bemoeilijkt echter deze evaluatie. Diepte-interviews met collega-docenten binnen onze lerarenopleidingen ontloken hun terughoudendheid om moeilijk meetbare doelen te evalueren. Langs de andere kant blijkt dat de meeste docenten toch een beeld vormen van de mate waarin een student bepaalde attitudes bezit en hiermee rekening houden in een eindbeoordeling. In enkele jaren tijd hebben al onze lerarenopleidingen binnen Odisee Community Service Learning (CSL) een plaats in hun curriculum gegeven. Solidariteit, flexibiliteit, leergierigheid, … staan hierbij centraal. Het zet de vraag naar de evaluatie van moeilijk meetbare attitudes nog meer op scherp dan bij stages reeds het geval was. Hoe gaan docenten hiermee om? Wat zijn de valkuilen? Een kritische analyse brengt ons tot een pleidooi voor assessment as learning.

Institutionele inbedding van leren door maatschappelijk engagement! What’s in a name?

Workshop door Ele Holvoet en David Wemel (VIVES)
Lokaal: A.107

Leren door maatschappelijk engagement stimuleren en valideren binnen elke opleiding is in VIVES opgenomen in het onderwijsbeleidsplan als inspanningsverbintenis: ‘Elke opleiding valideert het informeel leren van de student, gekoppeld aan maatschappelijk engagement.’ In VIVES stimuleren we opleidingen om maatschappelijk engagement in te bedden binnen elke opleiding, m.a.w. intra-curriculaire validering. Dit kan zowel door extra-curriculaire engagement in het curriculum te valideren, als door maatschappelijk engagement binnen het curriculum te organiseren en te valideren.

In deze sessie leggen we dergelijke focus van institutionele inbedding van leren door maatschappelijk engagement voor aan de groep. We bespreken de doelstelling uit het onderwijsbeleidsplan van VIVES en het denkkader. We illustreren en inspireren met enkele good practices. Aan de hand van gesprekstafels denken we vervolgens samen na over enkele belangrijke vragen of aspecten van institutionele inbedding van leren door maatschappelijk engagement. 

Begeleiden van docenten in ontwerpen en begeleiden van reflectie

Workshop door Rebecca Resseler (KU Leuven)
Lokaal: A.205

Reflectie vormgeven en begeleiden is geen eenvoudige opdracht voor docenten. In deze sessie nemen we je mee in hoe wij als onderwijsondersteuners onze docenten ondersteunen in deze taak. Je krijgt kaders en tips & tricks aangereikt om na te denken over wat je wil bereiken met reflectie bij je studenten (of docenten) en om vandaaruit na te denken over hoe je dit zal ondersteunen. 

Al-arm: een geslaagd CSL-traject rond armoede

Workshop door Cindy Bockstaele (Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen)
Lokaal: C.001

In deze workshop hoor je een heel concreet voorbeeld over een opdracht met CSL als werkvorm. Een jaar geleden sloegen twee leerkrachten de handen in elkaar om met leerlingen van 5de jaar Sociale & Technische Wetenschappen van de Benedictuspoort een project rond Community Service Learning op te zetten. Dit gebeurde onder de mooie en veelzeggende naam “Al-arm”: een project rond armoede in al haar aspecten. Dankzij de medewerking van verschillende sociale organisaties leerden en reflecteerden de leerlingen over hun ervaringen met mensen die in armoede leven. In deze workshop gaan we aan de slag met de volgende vragen: welke voorbereidingen moeten we hiervoor treffen? Hoe vinden we de geschikte partners? Hoe lang loopt een CSL-traject?  Hoe kan je beoordelen, evalueren, reflecteren? Hoe geef je vorm aan elke fase van het CSL-traject?

DOING IT LIVE – CSL and design education (EN)

Presentation by Oswald Devisch (UHasselt) & Nathalie Vallet (UAntwerpen)
Lokaal: A.206

The civic approach is strongly present in the architecture course at UHasselt and UAntwerpen. At the design studios, the focus is on socially relevant themes and on major design challenges, often with an international dimension. In addition, all students work on a ‘Live Project’: they come up with a solution for a real spatial issue on location, together with the local community and other relevant stakeholders. All civic elements are now integrated in a learning line from 3rd bachelor to 2nd master and deepened with various forms of reflective learning. 


Drinks: open to early arrivals

European Conference

20 September 2019

This conference day consists of plenary sessions, workshops, a poster session, and dinner (hosted by a social organization).

For European teachers, students, professors, researchers, policy makers with a particular interest in and/or experience with community service-learning.


Registration and coffee


Welcome and official opening of the European Conference: introduction to the European Association and the European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education


Plenary lecture by Prof. Dr. Seth Pollack

Service Learning Turns 50: Higher Education’s contested journey toward embracing its critical civic mission

Dr. Pollack will synthesize lessons-learned from fifty years of service learning in US higher education, focusing on the challenges experienced in developing a robust civic learning agenda. Higher education’s contested “civic mission” will be examined, from both a European and American perspective, with insights offered for developing more effective democratic and civic learning in today’s challenging political and educational climate.

Prof. Dr. Seth Pollack is Professor of Service Learning, and the founding faculty director of the Service Learning Institute at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB). CSUMB is recognized as a national leader in the field of service learning and civic engagement, and is the only two-time recipient of the prestigious White House President’s Award for Community Service in Higher Education (2006, 2010).

For the past 22 years, Seth has provided overall leadership for the Service Learning Institute at CSUMB. In 2005, he received the Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service Learning, recognized as the nation’s outstanding faculty in the field of community service and civic engagement. The award recognizes his contributions to institutionalizing service learning in higher education, and his work in integrating issues of diversity and social justice as a core component of service learning courses.


Coffee break


Workshops: Presentations | Interactive workshops | Round-tables

How can we support faculty who are planning to do service-learning best?

This workshop wants to bring together people working in service-learning support structures at European HEI (Higher Education Institutions). Sharing and collecting experiences from different countries, the workshop aims at comparing and assessing support activities for faculty intending to do service learning. 

flag Germany  Karsten Altenschmidt (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Workshop on topic: Institutional

Room: C.101

Institutionalizing CSL

3 presentations on topic: Institutional
Room: C.206

A Roadmap to Institutionalize CSL: a systematic review offering operational tactics over time
This presentation offers tactics for the institutionalization of community service learning. These tactics are differentiated in three phases and thereby provide a roadmap to guide universities in institutionalizing CSL over time.
flag Netherlands  Geertje Tijsma (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Community-Engaged Learning: on how best to embed community engagement into a university
This presentation will consider, from the point of view of Technological University (TU) Dublin staff and community partners, what lessons we have learned through collaboration on community-engaged learning and research that can be drawn on to embed excellent civic engagement into a University. The presentation will consider how staff in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can leverage their local, national and international policy context to help embed service learning and civic engagement. We will explore how both operational and strategic decisions can support the growth of civic engagement and in particular community-engaged learning and research, and present suggestions for practical steps that participants can take to embed this in their own institutions. This presentation will be of interest to staff in higher education, both practitioners of service-learning and managers and policy-makers. It will also be of interest to community organisations interested in advocating for the growth of community-engaged learning in their local university.
flag Ireland  Sarah Boland & Catherine Lynch  (Technical University Dublin)

Service-Learning through the module Human Education in Values: an institutional initiative of the University of Deusto
Years ago, when the University of Deusto, a Jesuit university, prepared the curricula for the professional degrees due to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area, it assumed to not limit student education only to elements linked to their professional career but also to improve other dimensions of their personality. For such purpose, the university incorporated the module Human Education in Values in the professional degrees. It is relevant to share this institutional good practice that has been sustained since academic year 2010-2011. Information regarding management, challenges, entity collaboration and experiences of courses will be developed in the presentation for guidance and discussion. Also, the presentation will draw the attention of how such courses could lead to the integration of Service-Learning in others and to the role that universities with a religious attribute could play for the Service-Learning field.
flag Mexico  Mariel Gandara (University of Deusto)

Moderator: Sara Vantournhout (KU Leuven)

Working with Community Partners

3 presentations on topic: Programs & Partnerships
Room: C.207

Ensuring Reciprocity with Community Partners in Justice-Based Service-Learning
This presentation includes insights from a university service-learning program initiated by community agencies to work collaboratively with a faculty of education. The program includes agencies that work with a range of diverse young people, including immigrant children, youth with disabilities, youth who identify as LGBTQ+, and Indigenous children and youth. The presenter is also the editor of a new international handbook of service-learning for social justice. This presentation features findings from the past two years of research on the program.
flag Canada  Darren Lund (University of Calgary)

Three aspects of reflection to decolonize Service-Learning in its practice
The project-lecture called IngénieuxSud won in 2017 the Global Education Innovation Award delivered by the Global Education Network Europe (GENE) which groups the European network of Ministries in the field of Global Education. IngénieuxSud consists in the collaboration during one academic year, between European students , and Southern students to look for appropriable technological solutions to local community issues. During the IngénieuxSud course-project, we are working with students and partners to deconstruct the colonial vision which, by its natural link with the development cooperation, could reinforce the unique imaginary “dominant versus dominated” among the participants. In the framework of IngénieuxSud, the decolonization of knowledge and skills is based on deepening three aspects which are the partnership, the vision of progress and the pedagogical methodologies. These three topics will be developed during the presentation.
flag Belgium  Stephanie Merle (Louvain Coopération)

Exchange with Greening Africa Together
Greening Africa Together is an International Service Learning Network comprising universities, NGOs and communities collaborating to tackle climate change and promote green development. Students from several African universities, including the University Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar, the University of Kinshasa, and the National University of Agriculture Benin, participate together in International Service Learning Modules in cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin. In the workshop we want to exchange experiences and expertise with others who are engaged or interested in International Service Learning.
flag Germany  Lilly Seidler (Technische Universität Berlin)

Moderator: Els Vandensande (KU Leuven)

Reflecting on a Service-Learning Experience Through the Digital Storytelling. A Workshop for the co-construction of a structured script format

What can we do with all that is happening (or happened) to us during a Service Learning project in which we are (or were) involved? This session introduces Digital Storytelling (DST), a powerful and widely experienced metacognitive and meta-emotional tool, that triggers and deepens the individual’s reflective capability. The workshop includes an introduction, world café activity on co-constructing a structured DST script format to be implemented in a SL project and a concluding debate.

  Michele Porfiri (University of Padova)
Workshop on topic: Students
Room: A.205Change of location – new room C.001

Prison-based Higher Education: A challenging Perspective on Service-Learning

In the academic year 2017-2018, the Centre for Religion, Ethics and Detention launched the course The Lived Reality of Imprisonment (Gevangenisstraf als doorleefde realiteit) as one of multipleservice-learningpilot projects at KU Leuven (Belgium). For one semester, 12 regular university students (enrolled in criminology, law, philosophy and theology programmes) and 12 inmates were brought together in the Central Prison of Leuven in an interactive course that sought to stimulate ethical reflection on punishment and the prison system. The concept of service-learning provided the organizers of the course with a theoretical framework to advance their reflections on the principles and presuppositions underlying their pedagogical project. The panel discussion aims to present the current state of affairs of this ongoing reflection by giving the floor to lecturers and students and by presenting some empirical findings on the impact of the course on participants.

flag Belgium Pieter De Witte & Geertjan Zuijdwegt (KU Leuven)
Panel on topic: Students
Room: A.107

Students & Democratic Competenties

3 presentations on topic: Students
Room: C.205

Social Inequality, Poverty and Housing: a Service-Learning Approach to Raise Student’s Awareness on Complex Societal Problems and to Strengthen their Understanding of Democracy
Within the scope of the presentation, the concept of a teaching research project will be introduced, in which bachelor students in the field of geography are going to deal with the issue of social inequality and urban poverty, such as the related housing question.
flag Germany  Janine Bittner (Ruhr-University Bochum)

Service-Learning for Web Technology: Observations from a Small Case Study
In the spring of 2019, the KU Leuven Bachelor in Engineering Technology programme offered a course on Web Technology which contained a Service Learning component. The students interacted with the non-profit WAI-NOT to develop a set of online exercises to help children with disabilities master basic computer skills (e.g., clicking, dragging, moving the mouse pointer, …). This presentation will focus on the experiences with Service Learning in general, and on those aspects of Service Learning that are specific to teaching this particular course.
flag Belgium  Joost Vennekens (KU Leuven)

Promoting Democratic Competencies in SL cross curricular courses
University of Bologna’s “third mission” aims at constructing campus-community partnership and promoting civic engagement. From 2016 the Department of Psychology coordinated the implementation of Service-Learning courses for students attending psychological courses and for students from different background courses (engineering, economics, and humanities). This presentation will draw on their experiences.
  Antonella Guarino,  Cinzia Albani & Bruna Zani (University of Bologna)

Moderator: Leen De Bolle (KU Leuven)

Implementation Models

2 presentations on topic: Research and other themes
Room: C.201

How to Teach Inter- & Transdisciplinary Knowledge Co-Creation?
This session will provide tools for dealing with the complexity of Service-Learning in the higher education context. It will focus on the question: how do we educate knowledge co-creation with different target groups, at different levels, and throughout different stages of a project? The results of a systematic review will be presented, offering an overview of existing programs that combine CSL and interdisciplinary teamwork. From those follow lessons learned about this challenge to teach transdisciplinary research project, answering questions such as: what are common challenges in implementing i-CSL? What are critical design elements when setting up and implementing i-CSL? And what organisational prerequisites are key to collaborating across and beyond the university?
flag Netherlands  Annemarie Horn (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Service-Learning Implementation Model at Fen
Through the continuous implementation of the Service-Learning courses at students and faculty experiences, and the opinions of the community partners, it has been possible to strengthen and create joint projects that support an inclusive, real and impacting learning process at the School of Economics and Business of Universidad de Chile (FEN). In 2017, monitoring instruments for community partners were included: Expectations, intermediate, satisfaction and follow-up. This presentations elaborates on the effects an impacts in community partnerships.
flag Chile  Rocio Fontana (School of Economics and Business of University of Chile (FEN))

Engage – inspire - transform

This dynamic, interactive workshop is designed to help you discover your volunteer identity and revolutionise your volunteer impact. If you are interested in volunteer identity and informal learning through volunteering, then this workshop is for you! From all aspects of the community-focused spectrum, I invite you to explore your volunteer identity and volunteer relationships, and to reflect on your impact and connection with your community through volunteering.
flag United States  Shelli Ann Garland (Trinity College Dublin)
Worksop on topic: Research and other themes
Room: A.206

CSL: Deterrents and Motivators

Presentation and workshop
Room: A.202

Scaffolding learning in CSL
At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam there has been a framework developed for scaffolding CSL learning, aimed at guiding teachers to effectively incorporate CSL activities into their education, and for teachers and researchers to help assess student learning in CSL courses. In this presentation the framework will be shared and several challenges of implementation will be discussed. The session ends with an exchange of experiences on this topic at the various European higher education institutions.
flag Netherlands  Nadine Blignaut-van Westrhenen

Deterrents and motivators of implementing CSL
What is the added value of community service learning for teachers? And what are the motivators and deterrents for teachers to adopt service learning in their course? At the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA) there are several study programmes that have already integrated CSL into their courses. At the same time, there is also hesitation among teachers. Which factors are important for teachers to start implementing CSL in their course(s)? With the use of our own data at the VUA from best practices and interviews with teachers, we are searching for answers. This workshops includes a quiz, a presentation on best practices and a brainstorm on how to support teachers in Service-Learning courses.
flag Netherlands  Rosanna Snijder

Institutionalizing Service-learning: Articulation between Social Projects and the Curriculum

In many Universities, community engagement projects and even service-learning projects are still isolated from the mainstream academic life. A growing number of Universities around the world are experiencing the benefits of integrating hands-on projects in the community with engaged research and formal curriculum. Using the “Quadrants of service-learning” tool, the workshop will offer the possibility to compare and analyze different kinds of possible articulations between engagement, curriculum and research. Participants will be able to share their own experiences, and benefit with the knowledge of service-learning experiences developed in Latin America and other regions of the world.

flag Argentina  Nieves Tapia & María Rosa Tapia (Latin American Center for Service-Learning)
Room: C.102


Lunch and Poster Session (1st floor)

Virtual Service-learning: a proposal for digital society

Poster session
flag Spain  Juan Garcia Gutierrez (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED))

Project ‘EDUpolicy LAB – from service learning to equal educational opportunities’

Poster session
flag Croatia  Jasenka Begic (Institute for the Development of Education (IDE))

Service-Learning is interaction! A model of the multidimensional interaction of students in service-learning projects in higher education

Poster session
flag Germany  Cornelia Arend-Steinebach (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Capturing the competence assessment of students - one survey method for two universities

 Poster session
flag Germany  Sussane Koch (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences) & Anne-Sophie Waag (University of Mannheim)

Hands On Learning in the Local Community: a Hyperlocal Journalism Experiment

Poster session
flag Belgium Martina Temmerman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Student participation

 3 Poster sessions

Practical Experience and Reflection
Exploring Social Work through Volunteering
flag Belgium  Ele Holvoet & Lies Demeulenaere (VIVES)

Student Participation
Learning from a Commitment as a Student Representative
flag Belgium  Lisa Neyrinck (VIVES)

Service-Learning in Primary Health Care
flag Belgium  Sofie Gallein (VIVES)

Place your S-L Experience on the MAP!

Challenge Mapping 40 S-L Experiences by 14h30

In this session you are welcome to share your experiences and good practices with the European Observatory, a networking space to share information on service-learning in higher education in Europe.
flag Spain  The European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education


Workshops: Presentations | Interactive workshops | Round-tables

Service-Learning in Hels of Central and Eastern Europe: sharing experiences to foster engagement

4 members of the SLIHE project will share their experiences from the training and point out the major challenges connected with service-learning implementation at their universities. Based on these experiences, they will address several questions and issues to be discussed in a world café format. Participants to the world café will discuss in small groups recommendations at certain levels for service-learning development in university environment. The outputs from the workshop will be incorporated into the output of the SLIHE project.

flag slovakia  Alzbeta Brozmanová Gregorová (Matej Bel University)
flag Croatia  Bojana Culum (University of Rijeka)
flag Belgium  Alina Simona Rusu (Universitatea Babes Bolyai)
  Tatiana Matulayová (Palacky University)
Workshop on topic: Faculty
Room: C.205

A Pattern Language for Service-Learning in Higher Education

 A creative and experience-based pattern card deck for service learning and campus community partnership useful for evaluation and innovation will be presented. Based on the idea of design patterns and ‚a pattern language’ (Alexander 1977 et al), we will identify, describe, validate and innovate patterns and pattern families for campus-community-partnership processes. Participants of the workshop will experience hands-on participatory research and practice and a tool for evaluation and innovation to develop useful social competencies based on experiential learning.

flag Germany  Wolfgang Stark & Karsten Altenschmidt (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Workshop on topic: Faculty
Room: C.101

Service-Learning Experiences

Roundtable and presentation on topic: Institutional
Room: C.104

Creating community-based learning experiences that last. How to create durable partnerships for community-based learning?

In 2017, AP university college started a 3-year education project within the Social Work and Socio-educational Care Work programmes of the Department Health and Welfare. The project wants to explore, facilitate, enhance and expand collaboration opportunities with work field organisations in the neighbourhoods surrounding the new campus through community-based learning. We will present our project to the participants, illustrate the consecutive steps taken up until now and give some vivid examples of community-based learning partnerships that have arisen from the project. Secondly, we will discuss our framework of requirements for building partnerships with work field organisations. Participants can elaborate on this framework from their own experience. Finally, we focus on sharing good practices and ideas for embedding community-based learning in curricula of higher education and explore different ways for consolidation
flag Belgium  Sarah Van Hoof & Marjan Halsberghe (Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool)


New Approaches for Training Higher-Education Teachers in Blended Service-Learning

This workshop first introduces the concept of Blended Service Learning and its respective benefits. Secondly, it presents a two-day workshop format that introduces higher-ed teachers the concept to Blended Service Learning by engaging themselves in a blended learning experience that aims at creating new courses that implement prototypes of Blended Service Learning scenarios in small teams of teachers. The presentation, thirdly, promotes the use of open educational resources within the European Service Learning community. By an example of good practice it aims to open reflection and dialogue about the potentials of Blended Service Learning and Open Educational Resources.
flag Germany  Thomas Sporer (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

Towards Perfect Partnerships – findings from the ENtRANCE project and community partner testimonials

Collaborations with community partners: although it’s a requirement for every CSL project, this doesn’t mean that every collaboration is going smoothly. Which guidelines can set the scene for a win-win for both community and higher education institution? Based on surveys and interviews with community partners in the frame of Erasmus+ project ENtRANCE and testimonials of a policy officer at a poverty organization experienced in CSL, we will open the floor for discussion and work towards concrete guidelines and a collaboration charter for both parties.

flag Belgium  Catherine Morel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) & Els Vandensande (KU Leuven | Netwerk tegen Armoede)
Roundtable on topic: Programs & Partnerships
Room: A.202

An Evaluation Framework

 2 workshops on topic: Programs & Partnerships
Room: A.205

Improvement and validation of an evaluation framework for community impact of CSL in the Netherlands via an interactive dialogue among multi-stakeholders

Reciprocity between community and university is conditional for sustainable and meaningful CSL. Currently, much attention lies on student skills and competency development. The altruistic reasons of CSL to make impact in and with communities are less in focus. To move towards high impact CSL, we developed an evaluation framework on community impact for CSL. In this interactive workshop, we will present our evaluation framework for realizing impact, and improve and validate the framework in an interactive dialogue with all stakeholders using reciprocate and innovative methods. Together we will seek opportunities to improve CSL activities towards sustainable and high impact collaborations
flag Netherlands  Marijke Visser (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Interactive workshop on international CSL

This is an interactive session on how we can successfully and sustainably initiate, implement, and institutionalize international CSL. We will investigate the different approaches to international CSL collaboration and their respective pros, cons and critical requirements. The presenters will share their experience with the audience, but also offer the participants a stage to share theirs. Collectively, we will arrive at a definition of success factors for international CSL. Once the conditions have been defined, we will move on to taking the first steps to pursue international collaboration for CSL. Speed dates will allow for the exploration of shared interests and objectives and as such lay the foundation for future collaborations.
flag Netherlands  Marjolein Zweekhorst & Wim Haan (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Building the Context for Community Engagement in Higher Education

2 presentations on topic: Programs & Partnerships
Room: A.107

Learning Lab ‘Overvecht’: building the context for community engagement in higher education

Learning Lab Overvecht is a bottom-up education initiative where teachers and students develop and implement social innovations in close collaboration with neighbourhood residents and neighbourhood partners of Overvecht (Utrecht). In our presentation at the conference we will present the findings of our research thus far. More specifically, we will go into three, related, issues concerning ‘grading’, ‘evaluation’ and ‘curriculum making’. Learning Lab Overvecht, as a context for community engagement, appears to be a learning network that foster learning of all involved.
flag Netherlands  Jeroen Vermeulen, Peter Linde, Gerda van Rossum & Danielle Vlaanderen (Utrecht University)

The complexity of integrating Service-Learning in a curriculum

The first part of the workshop focuses on the curriculum tailoring challenge. Nowadays curriculum developers are challenged by integrating not only Service Learning but also other co-creation type of components involving students, faculty staff and workplace organisations. A particular issue here is the width and depth of a curriculum. How can elements characteristic to Service Learning as well as to other co-creation components like broadening towards e.g. social skills, socio-cultural background knowledge and communication and interaction with additional stakeholders, go along with deep level learning in core professionals skills? Concluding, I will present an outline of an enriched student portfolio which might help to tie several curriculum components together and to bridge pre-service training to in service training. Therefore I will particularly refer to the boundary crossing literature and to the MyTalentCompass tool Odisee is currently developing in collaboration with several professional and academic partners.
flag Belgium  Johan Dewilde (Odisee)

Students at Your Service

 3 presentations on topic: Students
Room: C.201

Students at your service: a Case Study on the Contributions of Liberal Arts and Science Undergraduate Students in an International Development SL Project

An important assumption in service-learning and Students as Partners movements in Higher Education is that our undergraduate students, even those who are broadly trained in Liberal Arts and Science, have something to contribute within such engagements and partnerships. What kind of partners are our students? In what ways do they contribute to the communities they are meant to serve? This presentation offers a case study from a service-learning course we run at Leiden University College (LUC) where our students work for/with “clients” (NGOs, CBOs, private firms, government agencies) to come up with strategies/interventions to address development challenges. We explore the benefits of such an engagement for both the students and the clients. We move beyond intellectual forms (like the usefulness of outputs to clients) to include the social and political dimensions in the process of engagement. We wish to contribute to important discussions on what are important dimensions of impact in service-learning opportunities and how can we continue to develop mutually beneficial partnerships.
flag Canada  Caroline Archambault & David Ehrhardt (Leiden University College)

IMPULS – Facilitating Service Learning for Sustainability: Combining the service learning approach with contributing to the SDGs

This presentation will introduce the IMPULS-programme at the University of Basel. It combines the service learning approach with contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  Franziska Kastner (University of Basel)

An analysis of the applicability of service learning: interdisciplinary experiences from the University of Split, Croatia

At the University of Split several faculties engaged in a Service-Learning programme for environment and sustainable development. The faculties involved in this Project recognized service learning as a pedagogical model that brings new forms of learning and improves educational impact of curriculum. Implementation of service learning programs, stimulated and actively engaged students, teachers, strengthen inter-sector cooperation in order to promote and encourage socially useful learning for environmental protection and sustainable development including university students in solving the environmental problems in local community.
flag croatia  Maša Buljac & Zoran Mihanović (University of Split)

Moderator: Rebecca Resseler

Conceptual Design and Assessment | Complex Systems Theory

 2 presentations on topic: Research and other themes
Room: C.001

A Conceptual Design and Assessment Framework to Guide Research in/on Community Based Learning

In the context of UNIVER.CITY an institution-wide learning community was set up during the academic year 2018-19 aiming to strengthen and foster the integration of Community Based Learning (CBL) initiatives in the curriculum. Based upon this notion of connectedness – and to strengthen the teaching-research nexus – we developed a design and assessment framework (DAF) using Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) indicators to define and monitor societal, institutional and learning outcomes of our CBL strategies.
flag Belgium  Bram Pynoo & Linde Moriau (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Evaluating the Complexity of Service-Learning: lessons from Complex Systems Theory

This presentation will draw upon research in to service-learning at Nottingham Trent University in the UK. The use of Complex Systems Theory (CST) in community engagement environments is still relatively novel. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first to explore the intersection of CST with the knowledge and practices of service-learning. The presenters believe there is much to be gained from this encounter.
  Andrea Lyons-Lewis (Nottingham Trent University)

Contexts of Exclusion | Assesing Students' Experience

2 presentations on topic: Research and other themes
Room: C.206

University education: Analysis of the Learning Process and Identity Change through Service-Learning in Communities of Practices in Contexts of Exclusion

The research project we are going to present aims to analyse the processes of “real learning” in the students participating in two Service-Learning experiences in contexts of interculturality and social exclusions. SL experiences are carried out in two Spanish universities (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO),Sevilla), in both cases related to Psychology subject-matters. These experiences consist in work with roman populations, concretely developing collaborative tasks with children. They discover worlds completely new for them, entering in contact, not only with professional realities, but also with strong processes of alterity in minority groups that are culturally different. In these activities students are partners of children from an horizontal position, having to serve as guides in the learning of those children.
flag Spain  Virginia Martinez-Lozano (Pablo de Olavide University) & José Lalueza (Universidad Autonoma Barcelona)

Evaluate a Service-Learning Program in the cold light of day: assessing students’ experience after the end of the pathway by the SWOT analysis

The presentation will deal with the theme of the Service Learning Programs’ evaluation and present the result of a qualitative research conducted on forty former students. This research has been a source of insights, useful for the optimization of the Service Learning Program developed at the Verona University, which was promoted by the University of Verona (Italy) within the Master’s Degree in Primary School Education.
  Roberta Silva (University of Verona)

Book presentation - Embedding service learning in European higher education

Embedding Service Learning in European Higher Education promotes service learning as a pedagogical approach that develops civic engagement within higher education. It both describes and assesses the most recent developments and contextual positioning of service learning in European higher education and considers if and how the pedagogy is responding to European Union policy and the strategy of higher education institutions and towards engagement with broader societal issues.

flag Spain  Pilar Aramburuzabala (Autonomous University of Madrid)

flag Ireland  Lorraine McIlrath (NUI Galway)
Book presentation on topic: Research and other themes
Room: A.206

Rural 3.0: Service-Learning for the Rural Development. The case of Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain.

Rural 3.0 intends to bring higher education institutions (HEIs) and rural partners together to work on a common issue – development of the necessary knowledge and skills needed to make changes in rural communities. A transnational curriculum based on the innovative service-learning approach that brings together students, academics, and the community aiming to develop product and process innovation for rural challenging issues and to stimulate social entrepreneurship of HEIs teaching staff and rural entities. Participants will discuss about the results of the student surveys and the community surveys from different perspectives.

flag Portugal  Anabela Moura and Joana Padrão (Polytechnic Institute of of Viana do Castelo)
flag Netherlands  Philine van Overbeeke and Lucas Meijs (Rotterdam School of Management)
Presentation on topic: Programs & Partnerships
Room: C.102

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE): research agenda-setting meeting

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is an international association that focuses on advancing research on service-learning and community engagement in primary, secondary, and higher education across the globe. It publishes the peer-reviewed journal, the International Journal for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE). The association also sponsors an annual international conference that brings together producers and consumers of research interested in the study and practice of service-learning and community engagement. In November 2020, we will be holding the 20th Anniversary of the international research conference.  In preparation for this anniversary conference, we are composing a future-looking research agenda for the field by holding a set of research agenda-setting meetings in different parts of the globe. The idea is gather input from scholars, researchers, practitioners, etc. from different parts of the globe regarding the key research, questions, issues, topics, methods, instruments, etc. that should be addressed/considered in future research to advance the field.  This research agenda will be unveiled/presented at the 20th Anniversary conference.

flag United States  Katrina Norvell (Michigan State University)
Workshop on topic: Research and other themes
Room: C.202


Coffee break


Lecture & debate

Presentation and debate about developing innovative policy tools and frameworks for supporting, monitoring and assessing community engagement in European higher education.

Prof. Bojana Culum (University of Rijeka, Croatia) from the TEFCE project (Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement in Higher Education) and a European Panel 

flag Germany  Wolfgang Stark (University of Duisburg-Essen)
flag Ireland  Lorraine McIlrath (NUI Galway)
flag Spain  Pilar Aramburuzabala (Autonomous University of Madrid)


End of programme


Conference Dinner @ De Serre

European Conference and Meeting

21 September 2019

In addition to the last round of workshops, there will be a European meeting in which the European Association of Service-Learning in Higher Education will be established and the President and Members of the General Meeting will be elected.

For European teachers, students, professors, researchers, policy makers with a particular interest in and/or experience with community service-learning


Workshops: Presentations | Interactive workshops | Round-tables | Expert dates

Defending the value of Service-Learning | Models of Innovative Practices

2 presentations on topic: Faculty
Room: A.205

Defending the value of Service-Learning

During this presentation Sandra Smeltzer will openly discuss the struggles she has faced in trying to promote the value of service-learning while also demonstrating that it is a labour-intensive process that requires appropriate levels of human and financial support to be facilitated ethically and effectively. To this end, she will discuss ideas and best practices of how we can work collaboratively to foment service-learning that is supported by faculty, as well as by staff, students, and community partners. The audience will be asked to share their own experiences with, and suggestions for, encouraging ‘buy-in’ from various stakeholders both on- and off-campus. The objective is to catalyse a dialogue between session participants, to share ideas for how best to develop service-learning as “an ethos and practice”.
flag Canada  Sandra Smeltzer (Western University)

The New Era of Teaching – Models of Innovative Practices for Faculty

This presentation focuses on a well-designed model of administrative support developed at Tulane University for faculty contributing to community engaged scholarship that would be applicable to other institutions of higher education. Additionally, the presenters will share how such initiatives contribute to the university’s experience.
flag United States  Agniezka Nance & Ana Lopez (Tulane University)

Measuring Impact of Service-Learning

3 presentations on topics: Research & other themes | Institutional | Programs & Partnerships
Room: A.206

SLImpact: Measuring the Change

Measuring the social impact of Service-Learning is a must nowadays. Do you know the real scope of your SL projects? Beyond numerable results, are you aware of the social change that you provoke with them? Have you ever measured the social impact of your SL projects? In this workshop you will study different methodologies and approaches for assessing the social performance of SL projects.
flag Spain  Beatriz Delfa (Comillas Pontifical University)
Presentation on topic: Research & other themes

Impact Measurements of an Institutionalized Service-Learning (HE) program

This presentation will show the preliminary results in the formulation of an assessment tool for the different models of University Service-learning that enables to measure the social impact of projects, quantify them and make visible the work of students, teachers, collaborating institutions and professional tutors. The researchers Beatriz Delfa and Carlos Ballesteros have decided to study the Service Learning program performed at the Pontifical Comillas University (Madrid -Spain) for several reasons: the institutional commitment of this University with service learning; the availability and quantity of data and the proximity of the authors to the experience and data.
flag Spain  Carlos Ballesteros (Comillas Pontifical University)
Presentation on topic: Institutional

Assessing the impact of CSL. What do students and organizations say?

This theoretically informed presentation has a double focus. First, it aims to expound the very specific philosophy which underpins the Community Service Learning (CSL) modules offered to master’s students at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at Ghent University. In the second instance, it will share the finding of an on-going qualitative research project which explores the impact of our specific approach to CSL, as reported by students and partner organizations. The inter-disciplinary team which aims to give the presentation consists of people from a variety of academic backgrounds (political sciences, sociology, teacher training), most of whom have been involved for several years in the development of CSL as a specific higher education pedagogy at Ghent University. The research-based presentation draws on half a decade of experiences of staff, students and community organizations.
flag Belgium  Ernst Buyl, Tony Valcke and Lesley Hustinx (Ghent University)
Presentation on topic: Programs & Partnerships

Institutionalizing Service-Learning: Implementation and Reflection of An International Collaboration

Penn State University collaborated with the University of Split to establish a new Center for Service-Learning for the Faculty of Economics at the University of Split. The goal of this panel is to share and reflect upon this project’s implementation, its expectations and outcomes, and the footprint it created for the community partners. The discussants will share the aftermath of the project’s inception at both of their institutions and describe the rewards and challenges of an international collaboration. The panelists will also discuss their vision for the future of the project and illustrate that this program can be replicated between any two universities.

flag United States Donna Chambers & Belén Rodríguez Mourelo (Penn State University)

Presentation on topic: Programs & Partnerships
Room: A.202


Opening Windows: CSL and the Cultivation of Humanity

This presentation will explore the promise of service learning-inspired courses to ‘cultivate humanity’, a concept by Martha Nussbaum. The approach taken in this presentation is to introduce two innovative courses taught at the University of Edinburgh, both of which extend learning beyond the classroom and into the community through service learning. The qualities Nussbaum recommends are important aspects underpinning the design and aims of both courses, and will be discussed in this presentation. 

  Anthea Coleman-Chan (University of Edinburgh)
Presentation on topic: Students
Room: C.104

Service-Learning: Reflection, Institutionalization, and Identification of Practices

2 Presentations on topic: Faculty
Room: C.207

Service-Learning as a way to include social enterprises in business education

Business students are not used to social enterprises. In their disciplinary courses the emphasis is on organizations with a profit making motives. Nevertheless, more and more students are criticizing this one-dimensional approach. They want to get acquainted with other ways of doing business and want to give something back to society. In this presentation we analyze a course at KU Leuven, Faculty of Applied Economics and Business that unites both elements. We will elaborate on how social enterprises fit within service-learning, how students learn from this and how it can have a positive impact on other ways of thinking about diversity in business.

flag Belgium Ingrid Molderez (KU Leuven)

University Service-Learning Institutionalization, identification of practices and analysis of experiences

The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) has engaged a project to institutionalize Service Learning (S-L) in order to promote its extension in all degrees offered by the university and ensure the quality of the projects. Since we intent to construct a robust but flexible process of institutionalization, we understand that is key to be aware of the quantity and diversity of the current projects of Service-Learning in our campus. For this reason, we have started a mapping of this experiences using two lines of research: an extensive survey to know how many S-L are taking place in the campus and their most important features and an intensive qualitative study of some chosen projects.
flag Spain  José Lalueza (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Inclusive Service-Learning with and for People with Disabilities

 Hochschule Ruhr West, University for Applied Science has integrated a FabLab as creativity-and production-place in their service-learning concept. Informatic-students are working in small project teams to create electronic assistance systems in cooperation with workplaces for people with disabilities. This presentation consists of a short introduction to the module-concept with many examples and physical results with students and people with disabilities, followed by an Inclusive Hands-on-workshop with maker-tools as part of their mobile FabLab. The session will be concluded by an interactive discussion.

flag Germany  Michaël Schäfer, Aleksandra Konopek & Laura Keders (Hochschule Ruhr West)
Workshop on topic: Students
Room: C.102

A Transversal Experience of Learning | Self-selection and the Effects of Participation

2 presentations on topic: Research and other themes
Room: C.205

Looks that Migrate: A Transversal Experience of Learning and Service in the Classrooms of the Degree in Design of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid

“Miradas que Migran” is the name of the project in Spanish. It means “The looks that migrate”. It is a transversal awareness project that applies the methodology of learning and service (Service and learning). It is a tool that allows us to work together with the students of the Bachelor Degree in Design (Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, in different courses and subjects, carrying out projects of awareness raising for the inclusion of diverse people in situations of vulnerability, forcibly displaced, migrants and refugees. The objective is to foster a culture of welcome, equality, diversity, and inclusion of people in this situation.
flag Spain  Juanita Bagés (Complutense University of Madrid)

Students’ Community Service: Self-Selection and the Effects of Participation

This presentation investigates whether effects of voluntary service programs are indeed caused by the service experience or by prior self-selection.
  Paul Rameder (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Exploring Service-Learning within Ireland from a Spanish Perspective | Institutionalizing Embedded Community Engagement

2 presentations on topic: Research and other themes
Room: C.201

Exploring Service-Learning within Ireland from a Spanish Perspective

This presentation aims to showcase qualitative research conducted by dr. Rosario Cerrillo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, UAM) and dr. Lorraine McIlrath (NUI Galway) on service learning within an Irish context at the National University of Ireland, Galway.  Rosario Cerrillo was hosted as a visiting professor by the Community Knowledge Initiative, (CKI henceforth), at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) during the academic year 2018-2019. During this time they agreed on the design and the undertaking of collaborative research that would advance understandings of the pedagogy within Europe, and particularly within Ireland.

flag Spain  Rosario Cerrillo (Autonomous University of Madrid)
flag Ireland  Lorraine McIlrath (NUI Galway)

Institutionalizing Embedded Community Engagement: augmenting universities’ social responsiveness and increase their impact on society

This presentation will focus on the topics of developing diverse sustainable business models, promoting embedded community engagement, community development and university social responsibility to potential partners and broader communities, working with vulnerable students, engaging with diverse stakeholders at all levels from within the organization.
  Gernia van Niekerk (University of Pretoria)

Critical Service Learning Course Design: Clarifying explicit critical civic literacy outcomes

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to an approach to critical service learning course design, and will have the opportunity to re-design an existing course so that it has a more explicit focus on “critical civic literacy.”  Starting from their particular disciplinary framework, participants will initially brainstorm a “civic learning meta-question,” to ensure that the course gives sufficient time and curricular space to the critical civic issues (focusing on power, privilege and marginalization in the public space).  Then, using various civic learning frameworks, participants will clarify explicit “civic learning outcomes,” opening up curricular space at the interface of their traditional disciplinary knowledge-base and the critical civic realm.  The workshop will conclude with a discussion of learning assessment challenges.

flag United States  Seth Pollack (Service Learning Institute at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB))
Room: C.101

Rural 3.0: Service-Learning for the Rural Development. The case of Italy and Austria

This session reflects on the impact of Service-Learning on entrepreneurial competencies that have been rarely considered a specific outcome of S-L. Similarities between S-L and Entrepreneurial education will be discussed. Among other countries, in Italy an online questionnaire was submitted to a sample of students of Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna asking them to rate the importance of a set of Entrepreneurial competencies and to assess to what extent they have been trained on these skills during their academic career. In Austria the research focused on whether and to what extent Service Learning is perceived as relevant as an extracurricular and practical learning environment. Participants will discuss the results of the student surveys and the community surveys from different perspectives.

  Cinzia Albanesi &  Antonella Guarino (University of Bologna)
  Rolf Laven (Vienna University of Education)
flag Germany  Wolfgang Stark (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Presentation on topic: Programs & Partnerships
Room: C.001


Coffee break


European Meeting


End of programme